Today is the first day of school for my kids and I've got the blues.
It's not because the summer is over (although it did whiz by).
It' not even because the passage of time is so clearly marked as my kids march through the grades (it really does seem like yesterday my 7th grader was starting Kindergarten).
No, I'm blue for one simple fact- that they are the ones going back to school and not I.
I feel this way every fall.
In the real (working world) those of us who are lucky, and who make an effort to seek it out, do continue to learn.
But it's just not the same as the larger "unknown" that students face this time of year.
I miss the anticipation of learning new things, delving into unfamiliar territory, discovering new teachers and even making new friends that comes with official "Back to School".
So this year I've decided to do something about it. I've decided, in my own way, to go back to school.
I'm not talking about a graduate school kind of commitment.
I'm talking about taking stock this September of what I'd like to learn and setting out a plan (class schedule of sorts) to get there.
Right now I am still in the audit phase. High on my list are yoga, Hip Hop, Conversational Hebrew, and finally mastering the art of advanced Twitter.
OK it's more of a varied Freshman liberal arts curriculum - but it works for me.
The important thing is I am committing to learning something new.
And the prospect of this is exciting...hey maybe I'll even get a new backpack...or at the very least some new back to school clothes.
That's my point of view. What's your twist?
What are your back to school plans
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