In case you missed the academy awards in January, Slum Dog Millionaire swept the little golden guys including an Oscar for best song with Jai Ho (which literally translates to Victory).
I believe that India will replace Africa as the new nation célèbre and this will have an impact on everything from food to fashion to home furnishings.
Witness the enduring popularity of Anoop (Dawg) Desai on this season 8 of American Idol. Despite a few near eliminations, he keeps rising above the odds (much like the lead character Jamal in Slum Dog).
Hottest colors for spring? Pink, orange, yellow – all the hues of a Mumbai sunset.
Consider how your brand can leverage the Mumbai Mania to spice things up…and perhaps Victory is within reach.
That’s my point of view. What’s your twist?
How do you see the impact of India for brands?